miercuri, 20 iulie 2011

Citate,versuri preferate.

“I can’t promise her anything now. I can’t tell her I’ll always make her laugh, that I’ll make her happy or to trust in me. Being the son of someone like that, being a member of that kind of family — I hate it enough myself so how must she feel? She would of have hated everything she went through already.”

“You’re not afraid of anything in this world, but when you see a bug you start quivering in fear. Rather than having a single finger broken on your girlfriend, you’re an idiot that thinks it would be better if all your ribs were broken instead. You don’t even know the difference between pride and privacy. You’re so stupid you swear your always right even though you completely mess up every saying in the book. You hate kids but you want to take your son to go see the stars.You want to become a good father. You’re a lonely but affectionate person. That’s exactly who you are. Say it… my name.” 

“The moment I see your face, it feels like bugs are crawling all over my body” 

”I may look calm, but in my head I've killed you three times.”

“Whoever she is,whoever she may be,one thing’s for sure : you don’t have to worry.” 

“I want to believe in it all again. Music and art…fate and love,and I want to believe that I’ve made the right choices,and I’m still on the right path,and there’s still time to fix some mistakes I’ve made. I guess I want hope.” 

”When I’m gone,just carry on,don’t mourn,rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,just know that I’m looking down on you smiling,and I didn’t feel a thing,so baby don’t feel no pain,just smile back.”

”Adrenaline is when you look at the black sky full of thunder and whisper : ”I am ready. Come to me.”

„În ochii tăi nu deslușesc taine ; ești în palma mea fără haine.”

„Vibrează pașii mei de parcă merg pe clape,cu mine însumi cânt refren singurătate.”

”Since love and fear can hardly exist together,if we must choose between them,it is far safer to be feared than loved.”

”Where has that old friend gone,lost in a february song?Tell him it won’t be long ‘til he opens his eyes...Where is that simple day,before colours broke into shades and how did I ever fade into this life...?”

"Nimeni nu va şti că suntem tot atât de aproape şi că,seara,sufletul meu,ca ţărmul care se modelează din ape, ia forma uitată a trupului tău..."

"When all is said and done, I will be the one, To leave you in your misery and hate what you've become"

"We are never sad ‘cause we are not allowed to be"

"I've lost my way, but I will go on until the end"

"Sing the anthem of the angels, and say the last goodbye"

"Nevermind, turn back time. You'll be fine, I will get left behind"

"I'll keep you alive if you show me the way"

"Follow the hopeless and shut your eyes. All will be abandoned, none will shine. Gather the broken and leave this life. Lying in the earth, side by side"

"Just let me say that I like that,I like that"

"Just stay awake, there's nowhere to hide"

"I'm waiting, I'm praying. Realise : start hating."

"Here I lie forever, sorrow still remains. Will the water pull me down and wash it all away?"

”If it's illegal to rock'n roll,throw my ass in jail!” - Kurt Cobain.

”I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.” - Kurt Cobain.

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